Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tales of Beedle the Bard

I got my copy today and read it at lunch. I really expected not to like it. Everything I had read by her was so Harry centered, this would have to be a disappointment. Right? Wrong! I actually enjoyed reading the tales. The notes from Albus Dumbledore were not as good, but I enjoyed hearing his voice again. Plus his writing about the anti-Muggle movement made me think of Hitler and the Jews or any hate group that is against another group simply based on the where they were born or the color of their skin. It is so totally irrational. His notes also helped put a stronger light on our own fairy tales.

I think my favorite tale was "The Fountain of Fair Fortune." Which one was yours?

Two other related notes:
1. The book was printed here in Indiana.
2. At the end of the book there are 3 pages taking about her charity Children's High Level Group. The type of orphanages found in Oliver Twist seem to still exist in Romania, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and the Czech Republic and the CHLG is working to give these children a different environment, and plans to expand to other countries in Europe.

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